Who We Are
Contact us at gpcncoordinator@gmail.com
The Great Plains Conservation Network (GPCN) is a collaboration of more than 25 non-profit and tribal organizations working together to conserve and restore the wildlife, habitats, and ecological processes of the Great Plains. We welcome any organizations that share this vision to join the network.
We employ science, public education, private sector initiatives, and advocacy to promote our vision of a sea of grass supporting healthy wildlife populations and human communities. We seek to enable, energize, and inspire participating organizations by linking our efforts in support of this vision. We meet twice per year in person and collaborate regularly between meetings via email and working group initiatives.
Our Steering Committee
Chamois Andersen, Chair (Defenders of Wildlife)
Ana Davidson (Colorado State University/Colorado Natural Heritage Program)
Rurik List (CBS Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Lerma)
Ruiping Luo (Alberta Wilderness Association)
Michael Menefee (Colorado State University/Colorado Natural Heritage Program)
Trevor Pellerite (Grasslands Unlimited)
Henry Pollock (Southern Plains Land Trust)
Lindsey Sterling Krank (Humane Society of the United States)
Cliff Wallis (Alberta Wilderness Association)
Kate Wilkins (Denver Zoo)
Don Woerner
Get Involved!
If you would like to get involved with this exciting project, or find out about local organizations in your area, please email coordinator: GPCN Coordinator